Strawberry-Chocolate Paleo Protein Shake


Gone are the days of the traditional post-workout drinks. We said goodbye to soy a long time ago, along with the other artificial-ingredient packed protein shakes on the market. I also avoid dairy, so whey protein is not really an option either, though if you do decide to stick with whey, there are some excellent grass-fed whey proteins on the market. But better yet is egg-white protein powder (not that the yolk is bad!) and collagen protein powder. Both make equally good substitutes to the more traditional soy and whey options and, when mixed into a Shake like in this recipe, it would be hard-pressed to tell the difference…


4 ice cubes
1 cup unsweetened coconut milk
1 scoop (20-30 grams) protein powder (I like MRM All Natural Egg-White Protein and Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides)
1/4 cup strawberries
1 tablespoon raw cacao powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 tablespoon honey or raw agave nectar


Place all the ingredients into a blender or food processor.

Strawberry Chocolate Paleo Protein Shake Process
Blend for about 1 minute.
Pour into a tall glass and enjoy while cool.

Strawberries provide an immune boost, cacao powder delivers antioxidants, protein powder helps your muscles heal and grow and baking soda balances out the acidity in your body.

Here’s to you, your health and your workout!

Camilla Carboni

@camillacarboni |

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The Human Body Series: Fiber


The human body is an amazing system, there is no limit to what it is capable of. However, to function at it’s optimal level it often needs the support of the foods we consume. In this human body series we’ll delve into the details of what important nutrients can be found in the food we eat and how they support the body.

We’re also going to take it a step further, we’ll show you where in a common Paleo diet these nutrients can be found. We think this aspect is extremely important because we often hear that The Paleo Diet can’t possible have all necessary nutrients because it is missing “vital” food groups. Thankfully we’re in luck as there are always several ways to include “vital” nutrients in your diet through multiple food groups.

What Is Fiber?

Fiber is defined as “Coarse, indigestible plant matter, consisting primarily of polysaccharides such as cellulose, that when eaten stimulates intestinal peristalsis.”1

Another key thing to know about fiber is that it is often classified as either soluble(it can be dissolved in water) or insoluble(it won’t dissolve in water). Both soluble and insoluble fibers are critical to the body.2

What Does Fiber Do For The Human Body?

Fiber is critical for several functions in the human body. Let’s take a minute a list out a few ways the body uses fiber to function.2

  1. Normalizes bowel movements- insoluble fiber helps to promote a healthy digestive system and ensures that your body effectively digests nutrients and removes waste.
  2. Blood cholesterol levels- soluble fiber has been shown to help reduce high cholesterol levels in the blood.
  3. Control blood sugar levels- soluble fiber has shown to help reduce the absorption of sugar and normalize blood sugar levels particular in individuals with type 2 diabetes.
  4. Weight control- fiber rich foods have been shown to help aid in weight control. This is because fiber rich foods are usually lower in calories and due to their volume they cause individuals to feel “fuller” faster.

Paleo Sources Of Fiber

Luckily fiber is found in several key staples of the Paleo Diet. The following is a list of common Paleo foods that are high in fiber.

  • Vegetables- such as broccoli, cauliflower and sweet potatoes.
  • Fruit- such as apples, berries, dates and other citrus fruits.
  • Nuts- such as almonds.
  • Paleo flours- such as coconut flour.
  • Flaxseed

Fiber is critical to several functions of the human body. Thankfully, the Paleo Diet is packed full of several options for fiber rich foods. We hope that this has been helpful and informative. If there is a similar nutrient that you would like us to cover during this series leave a comment below and we’ll do our best to post about it.

Enjoy your fiber!


@mvandover |

Paleo Cleanse

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1″fiber.” The American Heritage® Stedman’s Medical Dictionary. Houghton Mifflin Company. 26 Aug. 2014. <>.

2Mayo Clinic Staff. “Nutrition and Healthy Eating.” Dietary Fiber: Essential for a Healthy Diet. Institute of Medicine, 2012. Web. 26 Aug. 2014.

Mouth-Watering Marinara Sauce


Marinara Sauce seems like an innocent addition to any meal and a safe bet to order when eating out. The truth is though that like most Salad Dressing, restaurants and store-bought Marinara Sauce is commonly laced with vegetable oils, sugar and preservatives.

If you Read Your Labels you will find some high-quality (and more pricey) brands that offer bottled Marinara Sauce without the health side-effects, but there’s just something about picking out ripe tomatoes, dicing them in ones own kitchen and creating a quick and mouth-watering concoction that will have you serving Marinara Sauce on just about everything (or maybe that’s just me!)


1/2 a tablespoon coconut oil
1/4 cup onions, chopped finely
3/4 cup tomatoes, diced
1 tablespoon garlic, chopped finely
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
1 sprinkle salt
1 tablespoon honey or raw agave nectar


In a small sauté pan, melt the coconut oil over medium heat.
Add the onions and cook for about a minute before adding the tomato, garlic, Italian seasoning and salt.
Allow the mixture to soften before adding the honey or raw agave nectar.
Continue cooking over medium heat for another few minutes, stirring continuously.
Serve hot over vegetables, protein, Paleo Pasta, or as a side for dipping.

It’s really that easy to enjoy the home-style taste of Italy!

Camilla Carboni

@camillacarboni |

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Simply Roasted Beets

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It’s summer time which means there are plenty of farmers markets open and tons of fresh produce. One fresh produce item has always scared me when I thought of trying to cook it…beets. It may seem crazy but I found the idea of trying to cook beets very intimidating. I had no idea where to start. Well, I can now tell you that it’s not difficult at all and it requires very little prep. Not to mention that they taste delicious when they’re done. Here is my no hassle recipe for roasted beets.


4 beets
1 ½ tablespoons Fatworks’ Pure Tallow or paleo cooking oil of your choice
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½ tablespoon cumin


Heat oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit.
Cut stock and leafs off beats and peel beets.
Cut beets into cubes (roughly ¼” thick). Place flat on baking sheet.
Heat the pure tallow in microwave and pour over beets.
Sprinkle lightly with salt, pepper and cumin, mix thoroughly.
Place baking sheet in oven to cook for about 35-45 minutes until you can stick a fork through your beats.
Remove and cool.

Take full advantage of your summer farmer’s market and enjoy a very healthy snack or meal addition.

Happy Summer!

Melissa Van Dover

@mvandover |

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The Ultimate Superfood List

Superfoods are more than super nutritious. They are antioxidant rich, jam-packed with vitamins and minerals and believed to slow down the aging process. Superfoods are foods that have an extremely high nutrient content in proportion to the amount of calories they provide. Miraculous foods is what we really ought to call them!

At a recent Cooking Demonstration we were asked for a list of superfoods, so we thought what better way to support that request than with a thorough list of the best known superfoods around. Here goes!

Acai Berries

Purple berries from the acai palm boast higher antioxidant levels than all other common berries. Purchase the berries dried, frozen or in a powder form and add them to smoothies, dessert and fruit salads.


The taproot portion of the beet plant is an often forgotten superfood. The rich purple color should serve as a great reminder–richly colored foods tend to have higher contents of antioxidants. Beets are also an excellent source of folate, manganese and have been used since the Middle Ages as a treatment for indigestion.


Grown in clusters on a shrub, these blackish-purple berries are antioxidant rich, high in vitamin C and are known to neutralize free radicals and promote urinary tract health. They are one of the most common superfoods available and are a tasty addition to smoothies, salads and desserts.


From the cacao bean, raw cacao is the healthy equivalent to the better known cocoa powder, found in the baking section of grocery stores. Raw cacao is extremely rich in antioxidants and aids in the destruction of free radicals in your cells, which cause aging. The best part is cacao tastes like chocolate, so I’m sure we don’t have to convince you to eat up!

Chia Seeds

From the mint family, chia seeds were a staple food source for the Aztecs and Mayans. Chia seeds are known for their ability to provide natural energy and have become increasingly popular in the running world. Chia seeds also have very high contents of omegas, necessary to human brain function. They are most easily absorbed by the body when in liquid form.


Derived from the brown bark of the cinnamon tree, cinnamon is common on our grocery store shelves both in it’s powdered and bark (cinnamon stick) form. Just one teaspoon of cinnamon equates to 22% of the daily need for manganese. Cinnamon also offers calcium and fiber and is believed to have antimicrobial benefits. Get your daily dose by adding cinnamon to tea or sprinkling it over fruit and vegetables.


The fruit of the coconut palm, coconuts are a staple in the Paleo Diet in oil, fruit, flour, water and dried forms. Coconut is high in fiber, healthy fats and contains the highest natural amount of medium chain triglycerides found in food. Unlike most fatty acids, which are long chain triglycerides, the coconut metabolizes more easily. This means the coconut acts as a good source of quick energy and is great for your skin, hair, heart and brain.

Goji Berries

A member of the nightshade family, goji berries are considered the most nutritionally dense fruit on earth. They have been used medicinally in Tibet for thousands of years as they contain all the essential amino acids, vitamin C, fiber, iron, calcium, zinc and protein. They are most commonly found in their dried form and make a great substitute to the traditional raisin snack.


The ultimate supergreen, kale is a leafy green, just like lettuce and cabbage, but a whole lot more nutritious. Not only is kale high in fiber, iron, vitamin K, A, C and calcium, it is filled with antioxidants and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory. Make the switch the kale salads!

Maca Powder

From the root of a radish, maca is known as the Peruvian ginseng. Maca is rich in vitamin B, C and E and provides a great source of natural energy and acts as a mood enhancer. You can find maca powder at most health stores. Get your daily dose by adding it to protein bars and smoothies.

Matcha Green Tea

A premium green tea powder that has been served at Japanese tea ceremonies for centuries, matcha has made it’s way to the Western world and is often served both hot and cold in teas and smoothies. Matcha has high antioxidant, amino acid and fiber contents and one single cup of matcha green tea is claimed to deliver the equivalent nutrients as 10 cups of regular green tea.


A fruit native to Southeast Asia and Australasia, noni is a lesser known superfood that comes in various forms: powder, tea, juice and fruit. Noni is believed to be one of the healthiest fruits on earth and has been used to treat headaches, depression and hypertension. Rich in macronutrients, noni also boasts antibacterial properties and is thought to support the immune system and improve memory.


A plant from our ocean, seaweed is most commonly spotted in sushi dishes and is often underestimated for its nutrient dense dose of essential vitamins and minerals. Seaweed delivers digestive benefits, detoxifies the body and purifies the blood.


A common herb used in spicy dishes across the globe, tumeric has antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, along with high contents of protein, fiber, iron and zinc. Tumeric aids the immune system and provides natural relief for arthritis. Sprinkle tumeric over sweet potatoes, add it to baked dishes or use it as a topical antiseptic.

Stay tuned for tons of recipes that contain superfoods from this list!

Camilla Carboni

@camillacarboni |

SAVE 24% on our upcoming book release, PALEO Cleanse. Preorder Your Copy!

Paleo Pizza Crust

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During our Gluten Free Fair Demo at the beginning of the month I was able to share with a few individuals my fantastic paleo pizza crust. Now I get to share it with you and I couldn’t be happier! This pizza crust is packed with flavor thanks to the seasoning included in it, not to mention it’s also egg-free.

I top my pizza with pizza sauce, cherry tomatoes, bacon, basil and some spicy peppers but top yours with whatever you like. Also, if your primal and you’re allowed to have a little dairy consider Kerrygold’s Dubliner Cheese to top your pizza. Using a citrus grater with the cheese is a great way to reduce how much cheese you end up using because it makes it look like you’ve put more on your pizza than you actually have.


1 tablespoon ground flax seed + 3 tablespoons warm water (egg replacer, if you’d like to use egg simple exchange this for 1 egg)
1/2 cup warm water
1 clove garlic, diced
1 cup + 1 – 3 tablespoons tapioca flour
1/3 cup coconut flout
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon Italian spice
1/2 cup olive oil

*special note: you will want to have a silicone cutting board handy if you have one.


Preheat the oven to 425°F.
Mix 1 tablespoon flax-seed and 3 tablespoons water, then let it sit for about 10 minutes until the water is absorbed(egg replacer).
Add the garlic and 1/2 cup water to the bowl and set aside.
Mix the 1 cup tapioca flour, coconut flour, salt and Italian seasoning in a small bowl until thoroughly combined.
Add the flax-seed mixture, garlic/water mixture and olive oil to the dry ingredients. Combine until you get the consistency of thick mashed potatoes.
Add 1 tablespoon of tapioca flour at a time and incorporate until the mixture becomes drier, like play dough.

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Place a piece of foil over a pizza sheet.
On a silicone cutting board, place the dough ball and begin to flatten it into a circular shape(if you don’t have a silicone cutting board I would do this on foil, it’ll work about the same). Use a rolling-pin if needed (you may want to dust in tapioca flour if the dough begins to stick), roll out the crust to be about 1/8-inch thick.
Place the pizza sheet foil side down on top of the crust, then flip.
Slowly peel away the board so that only the crust is left on the foil/pizza sheet.
Cook for 12 to 15 minutes until you reach your desired crispness. You can then cover with toppings and cooking for a few minutes longer until the toppings are warm.


Melissa Van Dover

@mvandover |

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Paleo Rosemary Bread


It’s no secret that bread is a staple part of the Western Diet. Even when we look back at biblical times, a slice of bread was equated with wealth, prosperity and even, heaven. So I’m definitely not going to suggest that you give up your little slice of heaven…instead I’m going to show you how to get the best of both worlds: indulgence and health.

For those of you who joined us at the Gluten-Free Health Fair last weekend, you enjoyed a sneak peak into how easy it is to whip up Paleo Raisin Bread in nothing more than a food processor and an oven-proof bread pan. Today, let’s whip up some Rosemary Bread (based on the same base recipe) in under 40 minutes!


2 tablespoons coconut oil
2 cups arrowroot flour
1/2 cup flax meal
1/4 cup coconut flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
5 large eggs
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon honey/agave
2 tablespoons crushed rosemary spice


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Grease a bread pan with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.
In a  food processor, add the arrowroot flour, flax meal, coconut flour, baking soda and salt and pulse for about a minute.
Add the eggs, other tablespoon of coconut oil, apple cider vinegar and honey/agave and blend for about another minute.
Fold in the rosemary.

Rosemary Bread Dough
Scoop the mixture into the greased bread pan and bake for 35 to 40 minutes, or until a skewer poked through the center comes out clean.
Remove from the oven and let the bread cool before slicing.

If you want to get fancy you can scoop the same mixture into mini-bread pans and create individual loaves for your guests, or even make rosemary muffins and serve them with a generous spread of grass-fed butter!


Camilla Carboni

@camillacarboni |

SAVE 24% on our upcoming book release, PALEO Cleanse. Preorder Your Copy!

Gluten Free Fair Demo Recap

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Thank you so much to our wonderful audience who joined us for the Gluten Free Fair this past weekend at the Natural Grocers at the corner of Colfax and Washington in Denver.

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We had a blast showing you all how to make our Paleo Bread and Pizza Crust! Just take a look at our cart in the picture above, hopefully it fills you with joyful memories like it does for us.

It was great to receive so much positive feedback and we’re really happy that you all enjoyed the food. We managed to destroy 1 loaf of bread and 2 pizzas…go us! As always if you have additional questions for us or would like even more fantastic recipes, please feel free to take a look around our blog and leaves us comments!

If you weren’t able to make it or would like access to digital copies of the recipes they’ll be available over the next two weeks. So keep an eye out for our posts and your notification emails.

For all of you who joined us this past Saturday and wanted to know more about how to preorder our book for a discounted rate…this is for you!

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Happy Eating!

Melissa and Camilla | @thepaleopact


Tantalizing Tuna Paté


Tuna Paté has always been a favorite of mine. It was a tradition in our house to serve it at parties and so I grew up loving this South African appetizer. The only problem was, it was made with cottage cheese or sour cream, leaving me feeling the after-effects of lactose and making it anything but Paleo.

This version–although still based on my Mom’s infamous recipe–is dairy-free. The base substitute? White sweet potato and coconut milk! It works like a charm.


1/2 cup white sweet potatoes, cooked, mashed and allowed to cool
1/2 cup coconut milk
1 can tuna (or just a little less than a can if you have a cat that insists on having some, like I do!)
1/4 cup onion, chopped
1 teaspoon dried thyme spice
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper (peppercorns or ground pepper)
Dried thyme spice for sprinkling


In a food process, place the sweet potato mash, coconut milk, tuna and onion and pulse until well blended and a smooth paste has formed.
Add the thyme, salt and pepper and pulse for about another 30 seconds.
Taste the paté and add any extra thyme, salt and pepper as desired.
Scoop the final paté mixture onto a plate or into a bowl, sprinkle with thyme for a finishing touch and serve chilled with cucumber, carrots or Jacksons Honest Sweet Potato Chips.

Enjoy a little taste of Africa!

Camilla Carboni

@camillacarboni |

SAVE 24% on our upcoming book release, PALEO Cleanse. Preorder Your Copy!